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Dataran Kemerdekaan Shah Alam
Persiaran Bandar Raya
Seksyen 14
40000 Shah Alam
Selangor, Malaysia
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Open To All Malaysian & Non-Malaysians
Sun, 15 May 2016  07:00 AM
Sun, 15 May 2016  02:30 PM

RM120.00/RM130.00 RACE LIMITED 1400 PAX

(A) RACE - RACE WOMEN OPEN - 120KM (RM200.00)

(B) RACE - RACE MEN JUNIOR (Under 19 yrs) - 120KM (RM200.00)

(C) RACE - RACE MEN OPEN (20-39 yrs) - 120KM (RM200.00)

(D) RACE - RACE MEN SENIOR MASTER (40 yrs & Above) - 120KM (RM200.00)

(E) ENDURIDE - WOMEN OPEN - 120KM (RM180.00)

(F) ENDURIDE - MEN JUNIOR (Under 19 yrs) - 120KM (RM180.00)

(G) ENDURIDE - MEN OPEN (20-34 Yrs) - 120KM (RM180.00)

(H) ENDURIDE - MEN JUNIOR MASTER (35-45 Yrs) - 120KM (RM180.00)

(J) ENDURIDE - MEN SENIOR MASTER (46 yrs & Above) - 120KM (RM180.00)

Fri, 15 Apr 2016  12:30 AM

Organised By : MBSA

Event Manager : Bikeaway Management


Briefing and Race Kit Collection Day


Date : 14 May 2016 (Saturday)
Time : 10:00am - 06:00pm
Venue : MBSA Banquet Hall, Shah Alam, Selangor



It is mandatory for all participants to collect their Goodies and Race Kit on the date stated above. Participants will need to bring along a copy of the confirmation slip (both soft or hard copies are accepted) or MyKad/NRIC for verification purposes.


For those who are unable to personally collect their Race Kit, please pass your details or comfirmation slip (both soft or hard copies are accepted) to the authorised person who is collecting it on your behalf.


Please be informed that we are going to conduct few same sessions of Route and Safety Briefing as follows on the same day :


11:30am - 1st Briefing
02:30pm - 2nd Briefing
05:00pm - 3rd Briefing


Looking forward to seeing you there!


OFFICIAL HOTEL : Concorde Hotel

Approximate : 1.3 km (At starting point) 

3 Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah C9/C, 40100 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel: +603 5512 2200 Fax: +603 5512 2233
Email :

New updates :

For those who are interested to bring along your Support Car Team (only 4 wheels vehicles are allowed), you will need to have an Official Sticker from us. We are not able to allow vehicles in the Shah Alam Enduride course without official sticker.

Rules and Regulations for Support Car Team :

1. Support Car must obey traffic rules at all times.
2. Only ONE Support Car per Team with a minimum number of 5 riders being supported.
3. Only Support Cars with Official Stickers will be allowed.
4. The Driver of the Support Car must be an experienced Support Car driver.
5. Support Car MUST NOT overtake sweeper/broom vehicles.
6. Marshall has right to stop the Support Car if the car is endangering other riders.
7. Support Car can only be used for Water Feeding and Mechanical Support.
8. Support Car is not allowed to pull the rider. If the Marshal or Commissar was informed of this with a photo proof, the rider will be automatically Disqualified.
9. If a bicycle is loaded on the Support Car and later off-loaded before the finishing in order to gain ranking/timing advantage, the rider will be Disqualified as well.
10. If a Support Car needs to stop to assist the rider, it has to park on the left side of the road and ensure that it is parked safely and does not impose any danger to any approaching rider.

The Official Sticker comes with a set of 2 pieces for left and right side of your Support Car which cost at RM30. To place your order, please provide us with the following details :

Name of the person request :
Mobile No :
MyKad/NRIC :
Team Name :


Last order will be accepted till 12 May 2016 (Thursday) only and you may collect it during Briefing & Race Kit Collection Day on 14 May 2016 (Saturday). We do accept cash during collection. Kindly please contact Dila at 0132088010 (preferably via Whatsapp to record your details) for this purpose.



Thank you.​

Medal Design 

BIB ADDITIONAL ORDER RM120.00 (Whatsapp 012-9783978 Annuar) 
Saiz Available 5XS ~6XL

Media Partner

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Direct link to Maybank2U payment:

Registration Contact : 012-9802590 (Iza)
Account No : BikeAway EC Enterprise
Maybank 5622 7260 7057
Swift Code: MBBEMYKL

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